07 January 2010

Is This What Makes me Vain and Self-Centered?

That sometimes I look in the mirror* and am dumbfounded by my remarkable, stunning looks!  I mean, body, dick, whatever, but face?  FACE FOR DAYS.  I'm actually giving two different faces in one picture.  With one face.  Yeah.  So there.  Kate Moss lazy eye WHAT???  And I have a great personality. 

*this is a picture of me XMAS DAY 2009, WINNING Pretty Pretty Princess.  The game was so easy.  I actually think I played it whilst curling my eyelashes.

**this also means that I cannot deny that I am not Pretty Pretty Princess at any time all year long.

***this also means I am not just THE Pretty Pretty Princess, not just A Pretty Pretty Princess, but ONE OF MANY PRETTY PRETTY PRINCESSES out there!

PPPPS: My last blog post had nothing to do with Pretty Pretty Princess...  I kinda forgot about it actually, but then I had to start thinking about which picture would be best suited to describe how I feel when I look in the mirror and think, "Wow, what a stunner..."  and then they kinda melded together.  But seriously, definitely related, but independent thoughts.  I am deep.  and hot.


Anonymous said...

my boyfriend wants to cum on your pretty, pretty face.

Barbie Laguna

Mark said...

pretty pretty princess looks like both the problem and solution for most women.

I really really really really want to play it now