10 February 2010

Everything You Do

Should be done with conviction and confidence. 

The only times you make a misstep are when you think twice where you are stepping.

I realized something tonight:  I have lost the capacity to miss people.  Do we actually lose the ability to feel certain emotions or do we cast them aside when it suits us?  Selective hearing.  This may be redundant but I don't miss missing. 

What do you do when your emotions become a highly efficient angerconverter and any emotion that pops up in you end up expressing itself PISSED OFF?  What if you get part of your strength from your anger, your beast, your self-proclaimed worst enemy, and the world is going to end and only you can save it but you aren't sure if you have the strength and the advice you seek tells you IT IS NOT ENOUGH and to save the world you must embrace your worst enemy and let it become an even bigger part of you? 

If you were Buffy, you'd totally refuse to demonize your heart and soul, bust out of the chains, fight off the old ancient black dudes, and come back to reality thanks to a hot lesbian best friend, only to realize that it is not enough. 

Following this new train of Buffy-thought I have a vision of a hot lesbian witch casting a spell that causes all present and future powerbottoms  to release their full powers all at once... to an all-powerful metaphallus that won't know what it is hitting.   


Unknown said...

Never watched Buffy...so not sure about all that...
But I think we tend to shut down and shut out when we are under a certain level of stress, as kind of a protective action...
Not always a bad thing either....gives us the energy to re-think, re-design who we are....
Not sure if that makes sense to you or hits close to the truth...just my experience.....

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

When every emotion translates as the 'pissed off' vibe, it can mean time for a change - of scenery and such - but probably of something major in life. I think anger is pretty good because it whips you through the irrational, followed by the rational, and with time you can come out if it with a clearer perspective on what you want. As you suggested before, follow the boner........

Mr. Koons said...

baby the last thing I need is change. I've been twenty different people already. I have changed things a lot. one thing that is consistent is my temper... ask anyone! it's been there since day one.

Anonymous said...

Wait, so how do you deal with your temper? (except from the boners..)

And does it mean that you always tell it how it is - to everybody?

Unknown said...

Temper can be a protective act as well....
Perhaps the true Cory is starting to emerge...are we watching the birth of a new person? a new legend??

soyerow said...

anger is a sign of sensitivity, nothing wrong with that and it shouldn't be focused on but i might be so wrong myself cos i'm too angry for thinking clearly^^

Anonymous said...

that was so funny, i love Buffy.